The website of Kitazato (henceforth “the Website”) is property of KITAZATO CORPORATION (henceforth “KITAZATO”) domiciled at100-10 Yanagishima, Fuji Shizuoka 416-0932 Japan . Its realization has been managed, under KITAZATO’s authorization, by BIOMEDICAL SUPPLY, SL henceforth Dibimed, official representative of Kitazato,domicilied at calle Jorce Comín, 3 bajo, 46015 Valencia – Spain.
Kitazato gives access to information on its activities, products and services by means of this Website. The entire content of the pages of our Website are the sole and exclusive property of Kitazato. All industrial and intellectual rights reserved. Kitazato will not be held responsible under any circumstances for the content or the opinions expressed by users through our online services. Access to the content of the Website does not imply concession of a license to use these rights and therefore, without the express authorization in writing of its owners – KITAZATO CORPORATION and BIOMEDICAL SUPPLY, S. L.- any reproduction, modification, distribution or public communication of it is strictly forbidden, in accordance with current legislation.
Any links used in this Website are provided for the use and convenience of the visitor. The existence of a link does not necessarily constitute approval or recommendation of it, nor does it imply that the linked website has any relationship to Kitazato. It is the responsibility of the user to take his or her own decisions as to whether the information on external websites linked to this one is accurate, up to date, reliable and correct.
This Website can be visited from countries all over the world and may therefore contain references to Kitazato services that are not available in your country. These references do not imply that Kitazato provides or intends to provide these services in any particular country, as services offered will depend on the existence of an IVF Clinic, its range of services and the legislation of the country in which it is located. To all intents and purposes, as this Website has been developed by Dibimed, it is subject to Spanish legislation and to the Courts of the city of Valencia.
Any personal data gathered in any section of will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and in scrupulous compliance with current Spanish law, and in particular, with Organic Law 15/1999, of the 13th December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and with Royal Decree 1.720/2007, of the 21st December, which ratifies the Implementing Provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of the 13th December on the protection of personal data, as well as Law 34/2002 of the 11th July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSICE), and under no circumstances will they be used for commercial purposes or given to third parties.
At any time, anyone is able to exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose the data pertaining to them by contacting the person responsible for the file by e-mailing
KITAZATO will not be held responsible under any circumstances for the content or the opinions expressed by users through our online services.
Kitazato supplies the content and services made available on the Website, subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Navigation (henceforth, “the Terms of Navigation”) and to the Privacy Policy (henceforth, “Privacy Policy”).
When accessing and using the Website, the user acknowledges that he or she has read, understood and accepted, in its entirety and with no reservations the Terms of Navigation and the Privacy Policy included in this Website, and that is bound by them.
Likewise, the user declares that he or she is over the age of eighteen and is of sufficient legal capacity to act to be bound by these Terms of Navigation and the Privacy Policy governing this Website.
To this purpose, we ask that users carefully read our Privacy Policy, relating to the provisions on Protection of Personal Data. By being incorporated into this Website, it forms part of the Terms of Navigation that regulate its use.
When accessing or using the Website, the user must observe these Terms of Navigation and specific warnings or instructions for accessing or using data contained in the Website. The user must act according to law, practice and good faith at all times, with all the due diligence that corresponds to the nature of the information, declarations or any other content or services he or she may use. The user is not able to make any changes or modifications to the information, declarations or other content or services that appear on this Website, nor in any way damage its integrity or functioning.
Processing of the data supplied to Kitazato by the user, for example his or her name or e-mail address, is subject to the Privacy Policy.
The information provided to Kitazato by the user must always be accurate and reliable. If the user, either through negligence or malice, does not comply with the duties set out in these Terms of Navigation or in our Privacy Policy, he or she will be responsible for any damages to Kitazato arising from this action.
The content and services offered on this Website are purely for the purposes of providing information and as such they are presented “as they are”. Consequently, while providing them, Kitazato does not give the user any guarantee or claim in relation to these Terms of Navigation or to the Website, including, in an expository capacity, guarantees of marketability, absence of contravention or suitability for any particular purpose, except to the extent to which by law, these guarantees and declarations cannot be ruled out.
The user agrees, in the maximum terms permitted by the appropriate legislation, that Kitazato or Dibimed will not be held responsibles under any circumstances for
(a) interruptions to activity;
(b) delays to or interruptions in access to the Website;
(c) non-delivery, mistaken delivery, corruption, destruction or any other alterations to the data;
(d) damages of any kind deriving from the operation of links from this Website to other websites, or the presences of other websites in this Website;(e) computer viruses, system failures or malfunctioning that may arise in relation to the use of this Website, including hyperlinks to or from third party websites;
(f) the duty to control or check information, declarations or any other content or services on this Website or other websites that can be accessed using hyperlinks on the Website; or
(g) any events that lie outside our reasonable control.
Kitazato’s only duty and responsibility in relation to the content of this Website consists of deleting from it as soon as possible any information, declarations or other content or services that are incorrect, replacing them with correct information, declarations, content or services.
As long as they fulfil the obligations set out in the preceding paragraph, neither Kitazato, nor Dibimed, nor its directors, employees, associated organizations or partners will be held responsible for any kind of damages you may incur as a consequence of the use of or access to the Website or any other website that can be accessed by the hyperlinks on this Website, nor for any damages that you may suffer as a consequence of the use of or access to this Website’s content or services.