In the field of reproductive medicine, there exists some misconception regarding the potential risk of cross-contamination during gamete or embryo cryopreservation. This concern stems from the notion that direct handling of samples might elevate the chances of contamination through the liquid nitrogen.However, contemporary scientific evidence contradicts this assumption, affirming the lack of cross-contamination risk in the open vitrification system.
Backed by Science
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Ana Cobo, Ph.D., Jos_e Bellver, M.D., María Jos_e de los Santos, Ph.D., and Jos_e Remohí, M.D.
IVI-Valencia, Institut Universitari IVI, Valencia, Spain
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Kimball O. Pomeroy, Ph.D., Stanley Harris, B.S., Joe Conaghan, Ph.D., Margaret Papadakis, Ph.D., Grace Centola, Ph.D., Rita Basuray, Ph.D., and David Battaglia, Ph.D. Arizona Reproductive Medicine Specialists, Phoenix, Arizona; Methodist Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska; Pacific Fertility Center, San Francisco, California; Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, North Carolina; e Macedon, New York; University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky; and Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon
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Molina I, Mari M, Martínez JV, Novella-Maestre E, Pellicer N, Pemán J. Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe and Instituto Universitario IVI, Valencia, Spain. Valencia, Spain.
Kitazato Cryotop® and Cryotop® SC: Open and Closed Vitrification Systems
Cryotop® (Open and SC) is recognized as the device boasting the highest warming rate available in the market, a critical factor for success in cryopreservation. Among them, the Open System variant stands out for its exceptional cooling and warming rates, delivering optimal results. This exceptional performance ensures the preservation of specimens with utmost efficiency, ensuring the best results.
At Kitazato we support the importance of thoroughly evaluating the inherent benefits and risks prior to making well-informed decisions. Prioritizing the safety and quality of gametes and embryos is paramount. Thus, our Vitrification Open and Closed Systems (Cryotop® and Cryotop® SC) are grounded in rigorous scientific research, ensuring exceptional clinical outcomes and safe, efficient practices in reproductive medicine.
For additional details on Kitazato vitrification protocols, check out our ▶️ YouTube channel