Because of its remarkable success rates, reliability, and effective implementation, The Cryotop® Method developed by Kitazato has proven to be the preferred choice in the field of assisted reproduction, consistently delivering top-notch results to clinics performing IVF procedures.

With The Cryotop® Method we ensure the best clinical outcomes, but this would not be possible without dedicated human effort and a high level of professional expertise in its application. Go deeper into this blog post to find out more about the Kitazato protocol.

The simple and effective protocol

Following a strict protocol during procedures is of utmost importance, but using high-quality products remains essential and has a direct impact on the results. Discover here our wide range of products that will ensure the effective functioning of your vitrification protocol.

Kitazato vitrification media are the most versatile option for cryopreservation in your laboratory. Enhance your operational efficiency by using the same media for both vitrification and thawing of oocytes and embryos at various stages of development, spanning from zygote to blastocyst.

ima1     ima2

For instant access to the complete Vitrification and Thawing protocol with The Cryotop® Method, feel free to download the document we have prepared for you.


Do you want to increase your knowledge?

Explore the videos we have available and complement your training to maximize your lab’s daily results. Take a look at our Vitrification Protocol, step by step.

Vitrification Protocol for Open System 

Thawing Protocol

Customized learning: Training tailored to your needs

Are you seeking to enhance your techniques and achieve the best results? We invite you to participate in our vitrification workshops. Stay tuned to our social media platforms for announcements about upcoming workshops and insightful content featuring more Tips & Tricks related to The Cryotop® Method.

If you want to be part of Kitazato’s BPR awarded clinics apply to our Best Practice Recognition in Vitrification Program fulfilling this form or contact your local